Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life Drawing Workshop - Jan. 12, 2011

Damn, it has been a while since I have posted. I started the Winter 2011 quarter and I have Portfolio Presentation to contend with, that's pretty much it. But I've been at school like every day this week working on my marketing and my website so I can use the remaining time I have to focus on my demo reel. Amidst all this madness and new tasks, I made it down to the Life Drawing workshop and had a lot of fun just relaxing and trying out new techniques. I decided to use newsprint and charcoal since it has been a while and I don't want to lose the arm movements and rendering methods that I learned from that process. I totally want to do some more ink and marker/colored pencil drawings again though, that shit was ridiculously fun. I feel like I've gotten much better, but I need to create stuff that represents this new level...and that is a whole other goal.
Oh yeah! I also entered the sketchbook battle again so I can defend my throne during what I really hope is going to be my last quarter at AILV. I started page one with Reggie Watts and Daft Punk. Some good musicians. Word.

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