Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 11th Workshop

Yo! Here is a ton of stuff I've been doing lately. I have been working on this 3d effects advertisement piece for a class. Randolf suggested I tie in some type of watery Vegas theme club so I was thinking either Rain or Wet Republic or something. So I vectorized the logo with Illustrator and brought it into Maya after I did all this ocean and cloud magic that I do. There is just a sample render for now and I know that the symbol is backwards but whatever I still got some time.

I also did a Bob Marley painting and a Basil Gogos master copy in my sketchbook for fun. Didn't spend too long on them but I think they look cool. Then there are some charcoal drawings from September 11th. I thought the workshop went pretty damn well. It was like medium/long poses and I was just being loose but still thinking a bit about the lessons I have learned. What I really wanted was to just incorporate what I like to see in other people's life drawings. Rhythms and curves, but hard lines and edges can still serve a purpose in my opinion. For design and contrast at least. But I had a show that night too so it put me in a strange mood.

Somebody took a very dark video and I didn't notice because I was four beers in and had my glasses off hahaha! We are a Weezer cover band and we are called I'm Your Daddy. Here is us playing Troublemaker at Money Plays.

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